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Northern Traders Leeds: office interior

Contact Northern Traders Leeds – electronics engineers serving all areas of Yorkshire

Northern Traders Leeds white van

Northern Traders Leeds Ltd is an electronic 'brown goods' service department based in Morley, Leeds.


Originally established in 1966, we have many years of servicing experience resulting in high customer satisfaction and a trusted reputation. We provide mobile and workshop-based TV and appliance repairs, and have a wide range of appliances, spares and accessories for sale at low prices.

Northern Traders Leeds

Young family watching TV together at home

Get in touch with us:


Unit 4,

Chartists Way,


Leeds LS27 9ET,



Monday to Friday: 7.30am – 5pm

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NORTHERN TRADERS (LEEDS) LTD, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 06725236. Registered address: George Barker & Co, 19 Fountain Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 9AE

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